Monday, April 30, 2007

Our happiness is found when God is central

I have found that a good way to determine whether a theological idea is right or not is to ask who it puts in the center- us or God?

John Piper, who is pretty much my favorite preacher, was in town the other night. He's from MN, so a visit to Texas A&M was pretty rare. I was very excited. :) His message is here:

Anyway, he spoke on 1 Cor 15: 19 "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."

It made me realize how self-centered I am- we all are. The Bible says we should embrace suffering, even choose it, if it is going to further God's kingdom. Chasing the american dream can be a hindrance to this. The american dream puts us as humans in the center. We want wealth and health and comforters and Starbucks. The world will not be won by Christians like that. God brings suffering to our lives, for one reason, to prove that He is enough. When they see that we still treasure Him in joy, even in the midst of suffering, they will be impressed, NOT BY US, but by Him- his all-suffiency in our lives.

So nothing is really about me. Whatever bring God more glory should determine my decisions. This, in turn, will bring me much pleasure, because God's glory is the most pleasurable treasure there is. As it is reflected more from my life (I don't add to His glory; I just reflect what is already there), I will be more satisfied and happy. I will be laying up treasures in Heaven and increasing my hope in my future resurrection from the dead. (hence, the above verse)

Piper got an angry phone call from parents of a young couple in his church. They resent him for encouraging the couple to take their newborn granddaughter to a country where Christians are being killed by the thousands for their faith. That couple does not have hope for this life only! They are happy in Christ, because, despite what man does to them or their daughter, their happy future is secure in Him.

Do you care more about what happens to you or to the glory of God?

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