Thursday, December 29, 2011

Through the Bible in a Year- auditory syle!

Lately, I have been feeling pulled toward reading through the Bible in one year. I haven't done it yet, because 1) I am a slow reader, 2) I feel like I will just read through it to get it done, not really getting anything out of it because 3) I'm not really studying it. Then I had a genius idea; OK, not really genius, but I am excited about it. I found this website: ESV online. It is amazing: 1) It's free! 2) You can study from it, even saving your highlighting and note taking on each passage, and 3) It reads the Bible TO you! My plan is to listen to it while I'm nursing. This is why I prefer the ESV.

The reason I want to listen is because I am an extremely auditory learner. It helped me tons in school which is mostly lecture based, but has it's pros & cons in "real life". For instance, I cannot tune sounds out at all, so they drive me crazy if there's too much input in that area. Also, I am basically pretty sure that the auditory part of my brain is crowding out the visual, because I have almost no visual memory and cannot "see" things I'm trying to find that are right in front of me, even though there's nothing wrong with me eyes! Which kind of learner are you?

If you are auditory like me and would like to join, leave a comment! If you are visual & prefer reading, you can sure do that instead! I will obviously be starting January 1!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

This is how my teenage daughters study the bible. I am studying Romans and like to listen to it while I get ready in the morning. I also like You Version ESV b/c it reads it too and I can do it on my Kindle.