Thursday, April 4, 2013

Grace will undo you either way.

Grace will undo you. 

I firmly believe everyone will be touched by and introduced to grace at some point in their lives. (see Romans 1) Our response will change us forever. 

Reasons for rejecting grace are many. You may feel you are too good to need it. You really can earn God's favor through your own merit (enter, Religion). You may feel you are too bad to "deserve" it. Others feel it undermines all the precious rules & laws they live under, that keep them so "safe". More common, I think, is the notion that it is not needed at all. Why? Because you are blind to all the brokenness in your soul. Until you can accept your brokenness, you will really have no room in your life for grace. 

That's why I say it will undo you. If you accept grace, you must first become undone, broken, by your need. You are in a place that is completely without hope. This is reality. We surround ourselves with shiny objects to hide the darkness, but we're just in denial. Have the courage to be honest with yourself. Salvation only comes by grace. (Eph 2:8-9)

My wise husband says, "we all want to take part in our grace," which is human nature but of course is impossible. 

If you haven't seen the latest version of Les Miserables, I would highly recommend it. It's not suitable for children, but this version does an amazing job of bringing out the spiritual theme of the story and of depicting Javert, not as an evil, bad man but as someone completely undone by grace. I honestly believe he depicts not the godless, but the religious who rely on their own efforts and rules & in so doing, reject Christ's grace. It angers him so much that he thinks Valjean a mad man. He is not. He is a broken sinner who understands and has accepted grace, and it "undid" his entire life, and remade it for the better. (Plus, it's just an amazing movie.)

This is from the older movie. It depicts Valjean's encounter with grace.

He will be the truth that will offend them one and all
A stone that makes men stumble
And a rock that makes them fall
Many will be broken so that He can make them whole
And many will be crushed and lose their own soul.

-Michael Card (1 Peter 2)

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